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Market Lambs 131-140 lbs.

Class number:  066        Class Date:  8/16/08

Judge:   Gail Christian


Judging Contest Winners: 

Under 15:  biddy14, CrazySuey, folchi1, showgirl95, Wyatt

15-18:  angel214, annaslambs, damarisgw, flutesp, grandchampkid, jvwv90, nemesis, storm33, suffolkclover, whitewether1518

Over 18:  2tmom, 4-HAlumni, autumnsplendor1, classic1112, DC, dc05, dockrock, EmsoffLambs, Evaluator, ewemama1, goof, jkcolorado, jls, Lucy, nslough, PAFFAStarFarmer07, ptr, r2jhurst, remspt58, shadowran, SheepShowerMom, Shootingstar, sooner04, TurboDieselGirl, yesleck


Official Placing:  2, 4, 1, 3

Cuts:  2, 7, 3


I believe this class breaks down into a top pair (2 and 4), middle pair (4 and 1),  and a bottom pair (1 and 3) rather easily. 

First Place:  2

Entry number:  267

Exhibitor:  kaz

State:  TX

Sheep name/number:  Rocker

Breed:  Medium wool



Although I see some weakness in both 2 and 4, I'm starting the class with 2 because I believe 2 shows more evidence of muscle than 4.  Granting, 2 is a little too round at the point of shoulder, perhaps shows a little too much depth of shoulder, and drops off a little too low at the loin edge, he does have a nice square top over the rack and gets progressively wider as one goes down the rack and loin.  He is extremely long hipped, square through the dock, and has good depth of twist and more than adequate muscle through the lower third and stifle.


Second Place:  4

Entry number:  347

Exhibitor:  EmsoffLambs

State:  CA

Sheep name/number:  132

Breed:  Suffolk X

Website:  www.emsofflivestockcompany.com



I see lamb 4 as an extremely smooth muscled lamb with straight top and bottom lines and really balanced.  I do not see the squareness over the rack as I see in lamb 2 and I do not see as much expression of muscle as I do in lamb 2.  4 is a long sided lamb with eye appeal.  I do see lamb 4 easily placing second in this class and over lamb 1.


Third Place:  1

Entry number:  247



I see lamb 1 falling into the third slot in this class rather easily.  He does possess a real meaty carcass and is desirable in his finish.  He is medium framed and is thick over the rack and loin.  I would like to level up his hip and pick him up at the dock.  He does show depth of twist and is good in the lower leg.  Too me he is plain in his appearance and off in his confirmation.


Fourth Place:  3

Entry number:  322



I see lamb 3 placing at the bottom of the class rather easily.  This medium framed lamb is long sided, however, he is real rough in his muscle pattern and confirmation.  Although it's probably an extension of his breast plate it is nonetheless unattractive and undesirable.  This lamb is uneven in its top and bottom lines and really slopes off the dock.  Shallow in its twist with little muscle in the lower third.


For these reasons I placed class 066 2, 4, 1, 3 with cuts of 2, 7, 3.


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